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Hi! I am Migul

I am Migul. This is a picture of me happily hugging my mom. People tell me I look like her. What do you think? I get my inspiration from her. For most she is a housewife or at best a Yoga Teacher. For me She is my idol. Very few people know that she has a Masters degree in Computers from a top school in U.S. but gave all that up to be with me and my sister so that we can become someone in life.

Maybe this is reason I like Tech and would want to pursue an undergraduate program in computer science. I know it sounds cliché however I never had a doubt regarding that.

​Now why computer science? Firstly, I like it. Secondly, I believe I can be good at it. Thirdly, I can use that knowledge to help solve some of the problems facing the society today.

​For now I am a junior at Vels in Chennai, India trying to learn and make sense of the world.

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